Creativity in ACTion
Fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration are the keys to the creative process in this experiential, age-appropriate program (grades 3-6). Kidprov brings the art of improvisational comedy into the classroom, deftly integrating curriculum with energetic and participatory activities that exercise the mind while creating a climate of acceptance and cooperation. Improvisation engages a number of Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences including: Bodily-kinesthetic; Interpersonal; Intrapersonal; Linguistic. And it also must be mentioned that it is a whole lot of FUN!
language arts, creativity, team building, critical thinking, communication, listening skills
Golden Rule Tools
KIDPROV employs improvisational comedy to present and reinforce key character-building concepts found in the Golden Rule: honesty, sharing, respect, empathy, responsibility, trust, and the power of words. This program is a refreshing way to be proactive in addressing social responsibility and inclusivity. The program presents energetic and participatory activities that exercise the mind while creating a climate of acceptance and cooperation. Improvisation engages a number of Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences including: Bodily-kinesthetic; Interpersonal; Intrapersonal; Linguistic. And it also must be mentioned that it is a whole lot of FUN!
behavior management, social responsibility, team work, empathy, sharing, respect, trust, character, problem solving
I Can Create
Fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration are the keys to the creative process in this experiential, age-appropriate program (grades K-3). Kidprov brings the art of improvisational comedy into the classroom, deftly integrating curriculum with energetic and participatory activities that exercise the mind while creating a climate of acceptance and cooperation. Improvisation engages a number of Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences including: Bodily-kinesthetic; Interpersonal; Intrapersonal; Linguistic. And it also must be mentioned that it is a whole lot of FUN!
creativity, problem solving, language arts, life skills, team work, respect, character, sharing
Kidprov Student Programs
It’s a fact that humor, laughter and novelty unchain the brain’s ability to learn and retain information, not to mention their power to motivate. Kidprov utilizes the art of improvisational comedy to establish a learning environment where participants are engaged, creative and motivated. Educationally entertaining, students return to the classroom energized and ready to learn.
STAAR Relief: Math
KIDPROV brings the art of improvisational comedy into the classroom, deftly integrating curriculum with energetic games provide a “brains-on” experience, exploring fractions, measurement, problem solving, and math vocabulary. The program presents energetic and participatory activities that exercise the mind while creating a climate of acceptance and cooperation. Improvisation engages a number of Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences including: Bodily-kinesthetic; Interpersonal; Intrapersonal; Linguistic. And it also must be mentioned that it is a whole lot of FUN!
Math, fractions, measurement, problem solving, kinesthetic, team work
STAAR Relief: Language Arts
KIDPROV employs the art of improvisational comedy into the classroom environment, deftly integrating the Language Arts curriculum with energetic games that exercise the mind. This program addresses figures of speech, cause and effect, points of view, and prediction all presented through the world of improvisational humor. The program presents energetic and participatory activities that exercise the mind while creating a climate of acceptance and cooperation. Improvisation engages a number of Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences including: Bodily-kinesthetic; Interpersonal; Intrapersonal; Linguistic. And it also must be mentioned that it is a whole lot of FUN!
STARR, language arts, figures of speech, cause and effect, points of view, predictions, inferencing